



Country: Japan  
Keigo Yamamoto

    1.network moon viewing box no. 2 moon viewing and performance of the moon board instrument, 2008 the work develops expression of a simple image into expression of linked images   2.on narrow wooden deck voice of the harvest moon, 2010   3.tortoise and moon the voice of the harvest moon, 2010 the moon is supposed to be on the heaven and turtles are on the earth. however in this work piece the moon and the turtle are having a dialogue in a reverse situation. moreoverthe dialogue is made via the internet and the contents of the dialogue is unconventional. please create a scenario of the dialogue   4.inviting the moon network moon viewing box no.1, 2007   5.network moon viewing box no. 2 moon viewing and performance of the moon board instrument, 2008 the performerenjoys moon viewing on the seat seat of the moon while eating a moon cake. his performance is relayed live tok-bit institute to be projected on the moon board instrument. the image of performance from beijing becomes communication scenic score to be played by moon board instrument no. 2. the images and musical performance are internet broadcast to all over the world   6.untitled, 2010  



Network artist born in 1936 in Japan. From 1955 he started to produce art works in many fields including painting sculpture photograph light art and performance. From April 1968 he started to engage with video art and produced the world’s first interactive “Communication Video Game Installation” Network Art by means of “Communication and Art” in 1971. In the 13th Sao Paulo Biennale in 1975 he exhibited “Communication Video Game Installation” based on the premise of a satellite. “His Recognition Gap of an Act” was exhibited at Documenta 6 in 1977 and “From Tokyo to Fukui and Kyoto Video Exhibition” which was planned by the Museum of Modern Art in New York was shown in travelling exhibitions in 36 cities in 6 countries. His career was also approved in the 4th Biennale of Sydney in 1982 the 41th Venice Biennale in 1984 department of tape Documenta8 in 1987 as a member of international committees for department of video and the 3rd Bonn International Video Biennale in 1988. He also presented Japan’s first “Communication Linked Picture” at “Encounter between Japanese Paper and Electronic Media” in 1989 and “France Japan Network Art” using international ISDN for the first time in the world in 1990. He also participated in Documenta 9 and “The International Mobile Electronic Café” in 1992 and in “Casino Container” at the 45th Venice Biennale in 1993. In 1995 he was invited to exhibit his works at Kwangju Biennale. Other main careers include “What Do You Want to Do with It” at ICA London and as many as 160 international exhibitions such as China Japan Network Art at China Monument Beijing. He is still exploring completely new fields of art including “Network Sound Installation” “Communication Figurative Score” “Panoramic Linked Picture” and “Ubiquitous Network Art” using mobile phones. Main careers of Keigo Yamamoto

From another station the images of the “moon” or “sight” of the station are sent to moon viewing box. Those images of the moon are projected on the screen inside moon viewing box. The mutually feed back each other to produce a night sky in a three dimensional perspective. Sights in which this moon viewing box is located box in a back garden which we worked in over a long period of time. The surrounding sights are also taken in and compounded. In short it is an expression by fusion of real space and virtual space. We chose a desired scene around moon viewing box and direct a spotlight on to it in close-up. For example by compounding cluster amaryllis in full bloom and the harvest moon we created an illusory network moon viewing box. A performer is also able to play moon viewing box by touching it. The strength pause and breath of the touch is transformed to sounds.




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