Patrick Gysemberg |
faces, 2007 acrylic on canvas 40x50 cm euro 4999
2.wave smallest action painting on earth, 2007
acrylic on hardboard 4x4 cm euro 4999
from anarchy, 2004 mixed media on canvas 1x1 m euro 2999
4.neil diamond in 3 minutes action painting realism, 2005 high
gloss painting on canvas 50x60 cm euro 5999
5.watching porn, 2004 acrylic on canvas 50x40 cm
euro 3999
2005 housepaint on canvas 50x70 cm
euro 1990
7.wine number seven translation of red wine into
painting, 2009 acrylic on canvas 1x1 m euro 4999
8.not even the chair, 2004 mixed media made in 1
minute on belgian tv 1x1 m euro 4999
9.ghosts of a ship, 2006 acrylic on canvas 50x60
cm euro 5999
10.lifting anchor, 2004 acrylic on canvas 1x1 m euro 5999
11.sabre dance light intrusion, 2009 mixed media
on canvas made in 1 minutes time enhanced with backlight after 4 years
1x1 m euro 5999
12.you hurt my feelings in orange and grey, 2002 housepaint and
oils on canvas 40x50 cm euro 10999